Messages are notes that can be found in floating bottles throughout DREDGE. They reveal elements of the story and world.
Tattered Receipt
Goldsmith & Son
No. 27, Little Marrow December 22, 1926
Received the sum of fifty (50) dollars and zero (0) cents in exchange for one (1) silver necklace with emeralds on silver mounting.
Additional Notes: Received a further $3 for custom engraving on reverse of mounting, customer to return tomorrow (23 December) for collection. Engraving is to be as follows:
"For J, my shining star."
6th, 7th March 1927
We are engaged to be married!
He sailed us out to the very center of Stellar Basin to see the lights. We talked for hours - something we have not done in such a long time - waiting and hoping. Some time past midnight, as we were growing delirious and hysterical from the lack of sleep, the aurora shimmered into the skies above. When I turned to see his reaction, he was already down on one knee.
I cannot even remember what he said, or what I said, but I know that I said yes! The ring is beautiful, with a span of jewels going right the way around. I cannot take my eyes off of it.
P.S. I was not sure whether to write this under yesterday's date, or today's, given that it occurred at the conjunction of days - but I feel that the news is significant enough to warrant spanning multiple entries.
1st June 1927
Yesterday was the reading of his mother's will.
Most of the remaining estate went directly to him of course - but to my surprise she bequeathed me her pocket watch. Curious. I am not fond of the thing, but I know that taking it will mean a lot to him.
I cannot help but feel it is some veiled jab at me from beyond the grave. She was the type to do such a thing.
Was I late on some occasion? I cannot recall.
20th August 1927
Morning of the second day of the honeymoon - and our first day proper. Today, we're sailing around the islands and inlets at the back of Greater Marrow. I love the rocks here; the layers and colours are so striking.
Furthermore, the fishing is relatively poor in these shallows, so I know he will keep his hands on the wheel instead of the rods.
He renamed the boat last night -- "Julie". He did a fancy renaming ceremony and everything - I think he took that more seriously than the wedding. Supposedly it's very important to perform it correctly, lest you want ill fortune to follow the vessel.
He wanted to throw away everything with the old name on it, but I kept the keychain. "Ocean's Riches" was a good name.
I think he has prepared a surprise picnic lunch - I can see the basket half-hidden, stuffed under a blanket at the front of the cabin. I love it when he tries to be romantic.
21st August 1927
We had a slight accident yesterday around the shallows at the back of Greater Marrow - a rock seemingly appeared out of nowhere and struck the front of the boat. It did not penetrate the hull, but it jostled us around and a few items fell overboard into the water. We did not see what they were, which is of some concern, but we believe all important articles are accounted for. He has been checking over some notes from the boat renaming ceremony. He is paranoid that he performed the steps incorrectly. I have never known him to be so superstitious.
9th September 1927
He still refuses to take me aboard when he is working. He is convinced that I will find it dull or that the crew will be crass or otherwise intolerable.
Perhaps I am being overly needy. I know he needs time alone...but I am so desperately bored at home when he is away.
He recently installed some salvaging equipment onto the boat. I think the idea of pulling up treasure is terribly exciting. I must convince him to let me have a go.
14th September 1927
I have not written in a few days. I have been afflicted with some strange chill which conspires to fog my brain. I cannot seem to keep warm no matter what I do.
[The ink has run from some lines here, and they are illegible.]
While most of what they hauled up was junk, they eventually came up with a large wooden casket. A hush came over the crew at such a tantalizing discovery. I remember the next moments with excruciating clarity.
He pried it open easily. The buckling boards cracked and groaned with relief as they splintered apart. Crimson cloth spilled out onto the deck.
The crashing waves rose to fill my ears. I hear them still.
He stared down into the open casket, then turned to me. In his eyes I saw the void.
[The page has been torn off here.]
It feels like years since I have been warm.
I do not expect him to write. I just need to know that he thinks of me from time to time.
[The next few lines have been smudged out.]
He MUST return.
[More angry smudging follows.]
I have written him another letter. This will be the last one.
My Darling,
I have found you at last.
When you left I was scattered to the winds. But now...I feel almost whole again.
There is just one thing left to do.
Throw me back.
Artifact Manifest
Vessel: SY Grand Prize
Owner: Mr Michael Schult Port: Gale Cliffs
Oaken Music Box Purchased from the antiquarian at Little Marrow for a bargain price. Previously salvaged from an undisclosed shipwreck. Has the letter J carved on the underside, otherwise in reasonable condition. Has not been opened for fear of damaging the mechanism; pending inspection by locksmith.
Wooden Mask Carved wooden tribal mask. Said to bring good luck, fertility, good health, fortune, rain and protection from evil spirits. Traded for a pair of socks and a pocket watch chain.
12 Piece Tea Set Bone china, 6x cup & 6x saucer. Acquired from an eastern dealer. DO NOT USE.
Jar of Earth
A jar containing earth from a meteor impact site. Allegedly.
Fisherman's Note
Ragged Note
Close now.
Nobody knows. Does he know?
Desecrated temple. Forgive me. The only way he might understand.
Must help him.
Must stop him.