Lost at Sea

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Lost at Sea is a pursuit found in DREDGE.


  • Find the Bronze Belt Buckle near Little Marrow.
    • I need to dredge shipwrecks to try to find an engraved belt buckle.
    • I found the belt buckle by dredging a shipwreck.
  • Return the belt buckle.
    • I should return the belt buckle to the man in Little Marrow.


  • Returned the belt buckle.
    • I returned the belt buckle to the man in Little Marrow. He was grateful.
  • I sold the belt buckle.
  • I lost the belt buckle.


  • Upon receiving the belt buckle, the Grieving Father will say, "This is... this is his! Oh, thank you, bless you. You've returned him to me..." and reward you with a Research Part
  • If you sell the belt buckle, the Grieving Father will say, "You - oh. Well, maybe that wasn't his... I'd - I'd better go and check before he melts it down!" and hurry to the Trader
  • If you discard or lose the belt buckle, the Grieving Father will say, "You - oh. Well... perhaps that's his way of saying he wishes to remain at sea. Thank you for your efforts. Truly."