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A Fresh Start

Description: Catch a fish, sell it at the Fishmonger and talk to the Shipwright
In-game description: "Met the Mayor of Greater Marrow, who sent me out to catch some fish and find my bearings. Seems nice enough. Warned me to be back before nightfall, though, said something about fog - bit dramatic."

  • "Catch fish for the day." / "The Mayor asked me to catch as many fish as I can, then head back to Greater Marrow."
    • "I caught a fish and returned to dock."
  • "Sell fish at Fishmonger." / "The Mayor has asked me to sell what I caught to the Fishmonger."
    • "I sold my catch to the Fishmonger. He'll buy any fish that I bring in."
  • "Visit the Shipwright." / "The Mayor told me to go to the Shipyard to meet the Shipwright."
    • "I visited the Shipyard and met the Shipwright, who can upgrade and repair my boat."


  • "Met Fishmonger and Shipwright."

Package Delivery

Description: Deliver the package from the Mayor to the Dockworker at Little Marrow.
In-game description: "Mayor of Greater Marrow asked me to deliver a package to the Dockworker at Little Marrow, which is to the East.

Package feels quite dense and ... damp? Something is seeping through the paper. Curious, but I won't open it."

  • "Deliver the package." / "Deliver the package to the Dockworker at Little Marrow."


  • "I delivered the package."
  • "I lost the package."

Grotesque Fish

In-game description: "Caught a strange looking fish - never seen anything like it in all my years. It died as soon as it was pulled from the water - but its scales are still pulsing with a strange rhythm.

Don't want to handle it any more. Have headache and ears are ringing slightly. Maybe the Fishmonger at Greater Marrow will know more."

  • "I caught a strange looking fish."
  • "Show the Fishmonger." / "I should take the fish to the Fishmonger - he might know more about it."
    • "I took the fish to the Fishmonger. He sliced it open and removed a handkerchief from it."
  • "Meet at Blackstone Isle." / "A man approached me, interested in what the Fishmonger pulled from the fish. He wants me to meet him on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I met the man on Blackstone Isle and gave him the handkerchief."
  • "The Collector had a proposition for me." / "He offered to equip my boat with dredging equipment. I should let him know if I want it installed."
    • "I agreed to the offer, and he installed dredging equipment on my boat."


  • "I agreed to the deal."

Lost at Sea

Reward: 1 Research Part
In-game description: "Met a man in Little Marrow who lost his son in a shipwreck some years ago. Said they never found the body.

Wants me to try looking for his son's personal effects - mentioned an engraved belt buckle.

I should check the nearby wrecks around the island."

  • "Find the belt buckle near Little Marrow." / "I need to dredge shipwrecks to try to find an engraved belt buckle."
    • "I found the belt buckle by dredging a shipwreck."
  • "Return the belt buckle." / "I should return the belt buckle to the man in Little Marrow."


  • "Returned the belt buckle." / "I returned the belt buckle to the man in Little Marrow. He was grateful."
  • "I sold the belt buckle."
  • "I lost the belt buckle."

A Place to Rest

Reward: The Engineer's Companion
In-game description: "Spoke to a Builder on the dock at Greater Marrow. Kept talking about 'moving on', didn't seem entirely with it.

Asked if I would help bring materials to Steel Point - an island to the North - so they could build a house there. I'm sure I can dredge up something. There's good wood in some of the wrecks."

  • "I need to deliver the following materials to Steel Point: 0/2 Lumber & 0/2 Scrap"
    • "I delivered the materials to Steel Point."
  • "Return to the Builder." / "I should return to the Builder and let them know I've delivered the materials."
    • "I returned to the Builder and let them know I delivered the materials."
  • "Ferry Builder to Steel Point." / "I need to ferry the Builder to Steel Point."


  • "Moved the Builder to Steel Point." / "I moved the Builder to Steel Point."
  • "The Builder was lost overboard."

Best Before

Reward: $150.00
In-game description: "I spoke to an Ingfell Resident who specifically wants a rotting Conger Eel, of all things. She says it's for preparing a meal.

Once I catch one, I should be able to just hold on to it for a short while, they start to rot pretty quick out in the sun.

There ought to be a few living in the center of Gale Cliffs."

  • "Deliver rotting Conger Eel." / "I need to deliver a rotting Conger Eel to a resident of Ingfell."


  • "I delivered the rotting Conger Eel." / "I delivered a rotting Conger Eel to a resident of Ingfell."


Reward: Signet Ring (in case you have taken the castaway to Little Marrow)
In-game description: "I found a man stranded on an island between The Marrows and Gale Cliffs. He says he fell overboard in rough seas.

He needs passage to Little Marrow."

  • "Pick up the Castaway." / "I need to pick up the Castaway."
    • "I took the Castaway on board."
  • "Take the Castaway to Little Marrow." / "I need to take the Castaway to Little Marrow."


  • "The Castaway was escorted to Little Marrow." / "The Castaway was ferried to Little Marrow."
  • "The Castaway was lost overboard. Again."
  • "I was too late to save him." (separate outcome, after interacting with the Castaway, there is a limited time to save him from starving.)

The Collector

In-game description: "The Collector has installed dredging equipment on my boat. I'm to locate some relics for him - he said he'll reward me well for any I return to him at Blackstone Isle.

Checking out shipwrecks and the like would be a good place to start. He mentioned that the locals might be able to point me to some."

  • "Search for relics."
  • "Find the key in The Marrows."
    • "I found a large key. I should return it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I found the key and returned it to The Collector."
  • "Find the music box in Gale Cliffs."
    • "I found a music box. I should return it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I found the music box and returned it to The Collector"
  • "Find the ring in Stellar Basin."
    • "I found a ring. I should return it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I found the ring and returned it to The Collector"
  • "Find the necklace in Twisted Strand."
    • "I found a necklace. I should return it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I found the necklace and returned it to The Collector."
  • "Find the watch in Devil's Spine."
    • "I found a watch. I should return it to The Collector on Blackstone Isle."
    • "I found the watch and returned it to The Collector."


  • "I have everything I need."

Caught to Order

Description: Catch (1 Flounder & 1 Eel), then (2 Squid & 1 Black Grouper), then (1 Common Crab & 1 Fiddler Crab), then (any aberrated Fish)
Reward: 2 Research Parts
In-game description: "The Fishmonger at Greater Marrow received a special order from a customer. He says he'll pay me well for filling the order."

  • "1x Flounder 1x Eel" / "I'm to catch a Gulf Flounder and a Grey Eel. I'll need a rod that can handle Shallow water."
    • "I delivered a Flounder and an Eel to the Fishmonger."
  • "2x Arrow Squid 1x Black Grouper" / "I need to catch 2 Squid and 1 Black Grouper. They only bite at night."
    • "I delivered the Squid and Black Grouper to the Fishmonger."
  • "1x Common Crab 1x Fiddler Crab" / "The Fishmonger wants a Common Crab and a Fiddler Crab."
    • "I delivered a Common Crab and a Fiddler Crab to the Fishmonger."
  • "Wait for more orders." / "The Fishmonger doesn't have any other orders for me yet."
    • "The Fishmonger has a new order."
  • "1x Aberrant Fish" / "The Fishmonger wants me to bring him an aberrant fish - a mutated version of a regular fish."
  • "I delivered an aberrated fish to the Fishmonger."


  • "All orders filled."


Reward: Access to Packed Explosives
In-game description: "Met a Hermit living up against the rocks at Gale Cliffs. Everything around him was crumbling down.

He fell out with his brother, a Whaler at Ingfell, some years ago. If I can repair their relationship, he should be able to move back.

Must find the old Family Crest first. Apparently some creature took it into the cliffs?"

  • "Find the Hermit's Family Crest." / "Find the Family Crest in Gale Cliffs."
    • "I found the Family Crest."
  • "Show Family Crest to Hermit." / "I should show this Family Crest to the Hermit - it must be his."
    • "I showed the Hermit his Family Crest. He was pleased to see it."
  • "Return Family Crest" / "Return the Family Crest to the old Whaler at Ingfell."
    • "The Retired Whaler is going to find somewhere for the Hermit to live. After I help him."
  • "Detonate the explosives." / "I need to detonate some explosives that have been placed on debris somewhere in Gale Cliffs. "
    • "I detonated the explosives and created a shortcut through the cliffs."
  • "Return to Ingfell Whaler." / "I should return to Ingfell and tell the Whaler."
    • "I returned to the Whaler at Ingfell and told them that I'd detonated the explosives."
  • "Return to Hermit." / "The Hermit's brother will take him back in. I should let him know."
    • "I told the Hermit that I've secured a place for him to live in Ingfell."
  • "Take Hermit to Ingfell."
  • "The Hermit climbed aboard - I just need to take him to Ingfell."


  • "I moved the Hermit to Ingfell." / "The Hermit arrived at Ingfell safely."
  • "The Hermit was lost overboard."

Recording Rarities

Reward: 2 Research Components per fish caught
In-game description: "I need to find the locations of some particularly rare fish for the Travelling Merchant's records.

She might have more information on them. Could look them up in the Encyclopedia too."

  • "Catch rare fish."
  • "Catch an Oarfish."
    • "Report Oarfish location to Travelling Merchant."
    • "Reported Oarfish location."
  • "Catch a Gulper Eel."
    • "Report Gulper Eel location to Travelling Merchant."
    • "Reported Gulper Eel location."
  • "Catch a Goliath Tigerfish."
    • "Report Goliath Tigerfish location to Travelling Merchant."
    • "Reported Goliath Tigerfish location."
  • "Catch a Coelacanth."
    • "Report Coelacanth location to Travelling Merchant."
    • "Reported Coelacanth location."


  • "Caught all rare fish."

Research Assistant

Reward: A Plan for the Future, Sampling Device
In-game description: "Met a Researcher in Stellar Basin, set up at the old fort. Needs some help collecting samples of fish from the area. My kind of job.

She was chased away from her research outpost by an aggressive creature. Presumably it's living in the depths of the basin. I should be careful around there."

  • "Collect samples." / "Collect samples: 0/1 Glowing Octopus, 0/1 Firefly Squid, 0/1 Aurora Jellyfish"
    • "I collected all the samples."
    • "I collected the set of surface samples."
  • "Collect Prototype Parts from Research Outpost." / "I need to collect Prototype Parts the Researcher left behind when she fled the old Research Outpost."
    • "I found the Prototype Parts."
  • "Deliver Prototype Parts to Researcher." / "I found the Prototype Parts. I need to deliver them to the Researcher back at the fort."
    • "I delivered the Prototype Parts to the Researcher."
  • "Pick up Repulsion Machine." / "The Researcher made a machine to deter the creature. I need to pick it up."
    • "I collected the machine."
  • "Connect Repulsion Machine." / "I need to connect the Repulsion Machine to the Generator at the Research Outpost."
    • "I connected the Repulsion Machine to the Generator. I can activate it every few hours to keep the creature away."
  • "Collect deep water samples." / "Collect samples: 0/1 Anglerfish, 0/1 Stoplight Loosejaw, 0/1 Giant Amphipod, 0/1 Snailfish"
  • "Collect all samples." / "I need to help the Researcher collect all the samples she needs."


  • "Collected all samples." / "I collected the set of deep water samples."

Lost Dog

Reward: Sapphire Ring (in case you took the 1st Outcome)
In-game description: "I spotted a dog near the abandoned resort at Stellar Basin. It looks like a stray.

It's bound to be hungry."

  • "I saw a dog on the beach." / "I saw a dog running around the shallows trying to find food."
    • "I took the dog aboard."
  • "Find the dog a home." / "I could try to find a more permanent home for the dog."


  • "The Researcher adopted the dog."
  • "I decided to keep the dog."
  • "The dog was lost overboard."

The Bitter End

Reward: Access to Mixed Bait either from the Airman for fish, or from the Travelling Merchant for money.
In-game description: "I found an Airman in Twisted Strand who crashed there some years ago. He's the only surviving member of his squadron.

He doesn't want to leave until he's avenged his fellow aviators - killed by 'Mind Suckers', apparently. I'm to help him with his plan."

  • "Find mortar pieces." / "I need to salvage some plane crash sites around the area and look for mortar pieces."
    • "I found all the mortar pieces."
  • "Eliminate the Mind Suckers." / "Eliminate the Mind Suckers that wiped out the Airman's squadron."
  • "Trap the Mind Suckers." / "Bait the traps, then wait for the airman to fire."
  • "Retrieve mortar pieces." / "Help the Airman assemble a mortar."
  • "Find the frame."
    • "Return the frame."
    • "I returned the frame."
  • "Find the barrel."
    • "Return the barrel."
    • "I returned the barrel."
    • "I found the mortar pieces and returned them to the Airman."
  • "I need to place special bait in the first trap."
    • "The first trap is baited. I should wait for the airman to fire the mortar."
  • "Check the first trap and bring back proof that the Mind Sucker is dead."
    • "I showed the Airman proof of the first Mind Sucker's demise."
  • "I need to place special bait in the second trap."
    • "The second trap is baited. I should wait for the Airman to fire the mortar."
  • "Check the second trap and bring back proof that the Mind Sucker is dead."
    • "I showed the Airman proof of the second Mind Sucker's demise."
  • "I need to place special bait in the third trap."
    • "The third trap is baited. I should wait for the Airman to fire the mortar."
  • "Check the third trap and bring back proof that the Mind Sucker is dead."
    • "I showed the Airman proof of the third Mind Sucker's demise."
  • "The Mind Suckers are no more."


  • "I eliminated all of the Mind Suckers."

Flames of The Deep

Reward: Encrusted Talisman, Pocket Watch Artifact
In-game description: "I docked at the old temple in Devil's Spine and was approached by some sort of Fanatic. He wants my help preparing a ceremony.

I need to light the statues around the temple. Apparently I can find "Fathomless Flames" at "Shrines of The Deep" in the area...?"

  • "Light the statues. [0/3]" / "Light the statues at the temple with Fathomless Flames. [0/3]"
    • "I lit all three statues with Fathomless Flames."
  • "Return to The Fanatic." / "Return to The Fanatic and let him know the statues are lit."


  • "I completed the ritual." / "I witnessed the Fanatic's ritual."

Craven Courier

Reward: Getting Over it with Mind and Body
In-game description: "Ran into a Courier towards Devil's Spine. He seemed pretty shaken up, wouldn't even come out of his cabin. He said he encountered a Leviathan out there and didn't want to go any further.

He needed a package delivering to the Dockworker at Little Marrow, so I offered to take it. He gave me a book for my trouble."

  • "Deliver the package."
  • "Deliver the package to the Dockworker at Little Marrow."


  • "I delivered the package."
  • "I lost the package."

Stone Tablets

Description: Find 3 stone tablets, visit the trader to fuse them and open the door of the Ancient Lighthouse in Devil's Spine using the fused tablet
Reward: Flame of The Sky
In-game description: "I found an ancient stone tablet with a strange glyph on it. Looks similar to the ones I saw on the Trader's desk in Little Marrow. I should show him the tablet, he might know more."

  • "Visit the Trader." / "Take the tablet to the Trader."
    • "I took the stone tablet to the Trader at Little Marrow."
  • "Find more tablets. [0/?]" / "The trader says there are more tablets to find. I should bring them to him when I find them. [0/?]"
    • "I found all the tablets and showed them to the Trader."
  • "Find the door." / "Find a door that can be opened with the fused tablet. The translated runes mentioned something about a guiding light."


  • "I opened the door." / "The fused tablet opened the door of the Ancient Lighthouse in Devil's Spine."

The Pale Reach

The Narwhal

Description: Attract the Narwhal and open the way to the centre of the Pale Reach
Reward: Access to the inner parts of the Pale Reach
In-game description: The Photographer is down here chasing wildlife. Specifically, a Narwhal. She wants me to make a pile of fish on a nearby ice sheet to attract it. Says any fish will do, as long as the pile is big enough.

  • Make a pile of fish.
    • "I need to make a big pile of fish to attract the Narwhal for the Photographer."
    • "I placed fish to attract the Narwhal."


  • "The Narwhal destroyed the ice wall."


Description: Find the 3 parts of the Icebreaker, visit the Traveling Merchant to fuse them together and to attach them to your boat.
Reward: Icebreaker
In-game description: The Traveling Merchant found some materials and schematic on an iceberg near a channel into the ice fields. She thinks the schematics are for an Icebreaker, which would allow a ship to break through chunks of ice and get deeper into the ice fields. The schematics call for some very specific items. Going to have to keep an eye out for those.

  • "Find Icebreaker pieces"
    • "I need to find pieces for the Icebreaker."
    • "I found the pieces of the Icebreaker."


  • "The Icebreaker was constructed."

Ice Shaper

Description: Find the missing device.
Reward: The Travelling Merchant now sells Ice Blocks
In-game description: The Travelling Merchant found some more schematics - an Ice Shaper this time. If I help find the missing device, she'll be able to cut block of ice. Sound usefull for keeping fish fresh.

  • "Find the Ice Shaper"
    • "I need to find the missing Ice Shaper."
    • "I found the missing Ice Shaper."


  • "The Ice Shaper is operational."

Under the Ice

Description: Use Ice Axes to free the four sailors from their icy prison.
Reward: Aurous Anchor , Radiant Trawl Net
In-game description: Found a camp on the island in the center of the ice field. Inside a cabin was an unusual column of ice. A voice spoke from within. It mentioned listeneres, eyes, and valuable stones. It specifically mentioned 3...or was it 4? I shouuld try to find them, whatever they really are.

  • "I used an axe to break the ice at the Central Camp. Inside I found a glowing stone.
  • "I used an axe to break the ice at the Eastern Terminus. Inside I found a glowing stone.
  • "I used an axe to break the ice at the Western Bearing. Inside I found a glowing stone.
  • "I used an axe to break the ice at the Southern Locus. Inside I found a glowing stone.
  • I placed the strange stones on a pillar of glowing ice, and they fused together.


Hooded Figures

See also: Hooded Figure

Figure in Blue

Description: Catch a Blue Mackerel, Tiger Mackerel & Snake Mackerel
Reward:Haggling and Bartering: A Guide
In-game description: "I met a strange man in hooded robes on an island between The Marrows and Gale Cliffs. They asked me to catch a fish depicted on an old paper scroll."

  • "Catch a Blue Mackerel." / "I need to catch a Blue Mackerel and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Blue Mackerel and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Tiger Mackerel." / "I need to catch a Tiger Mackerel and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Tiger Mackerel and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Snake Mackerel." / "I need to catch a Snake Mackerel and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Snake Mackerel and brought it back to them."


  • "All fish caught."
  • "The person passed away." (if waiting too long after the pursuit is started; Removed from the game as the time limit was removed entirely.)

Figure in Gold

Description: Catch a Red Snapper, Fangtooth & Blue Crab
Reward: Book of Advanced Fishing
In-game description: "I met a person in gold robes on an island between Gale Cliffs and Stellar Basin. They asked me to catch a fish depicted on an old paper scroll."

  • "Catch a Red Snapper." / "I need to catch a Red Snapper and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Red Snapper and brought it to the man."
  • "Catch a Fangtooth." / "I need to catch a Fangtooth and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Fangtooth and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Blue Crab." / "I need to catch a Blue Crab and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Blue Crab and brought it back to them."


  • "All fish caught."
  • "The person passed away." (Removed from the game)

Figure in Purple

Description: Catch a Tarpon, Horseshoe Crab & Barreleye
Reward: [Book] "Pushing The Limits: Engines" Engines now provide 7.5% more speed than listed
In-game description: "I met a person in purple robes on an island between Twisted Strand and Stellar Basin. They asked me to catch a fish depicted on an old paper scroll."

  • "Catch a Tarpon." / "I need to catch a Tarpon and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Tarpon and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Horseshoe Crab." / "I need to catch a Horseshoe Crab and bring it back to *them."
  • "I caught a Horseshoe Crab and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Barreleye." / "I need to catch a Barreleye and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Barreleye and brought it back to them."


  • "All fish caught."
  • "The person passed away." (Removed from the game)

Figure in Red

Description: Catch a Cusk Eel, Sailfish & Frilled Shark
In-game description: "I met a person in red robes on an island between Twisted Strand and Devil's Spine. They asked me to catch a fish depicted on an old paper scroll."

  • "Catch a Cusk Eel." / "I need to catch a Cusk Eel and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Cusk Eel and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Sailfish." / "I need to catch a Sailfish and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Sailfish and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Frilled Shark." / "I need to catch a Frilled Shark and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught a Frilled Shark and brought it back to them."


  • "All fish caught."
  • "The person passed away." (Removed from the game)

Figure in White

Desciption: Catch aberrated Icefish, Sea Stars and Stargazer
Reward: [Book] "Book of Astral Symbols" You now have 4% higher chance to catch aberrations.
In-game description: "I met a person in white robes on the Eastern edge of The Pale Reach. They asked me to catch an aberrated fish depicted on an old paper scroll."

  • "Catch a Fractalline Icefish." / "I need to catch an aberrated Icefish and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught an aberrated Icefish and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Fallen Stars." / "I need to catch an aberrated Sea Stars and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught an aberrated Sea Stars and brought it back to them."
  • "Catch a Craterous Seer." / "I need to catch an aberrated Stargazer and bring it back to them."
    • "I caught an aberrated Stargazer and brought it back to them."


  • "All fish caught."
  • "The person passed away." (Removed from the game)
All Pursuits
All Pursuits