Caught to Order

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Caught to Order is a pursuit found in DREDGE.


  • 1x Gulf Flounder 1x Grey Eel
    • I'm to catch a Gulf Flounder and a Grey Eel. I'll need a rod that can handle Shallow water.
    • I delivered a Flounder and an Eel to the Fishmonger.
  • 2x Arrow Squid 1x Black Grouper
    • I need to catch 2 Squid and 1 Black Grouper. They only bite at night.
    • I delivered the Squid and Black Grouper to the Fishmonger.
  • 1x Common Crab 1x Fiddler Crab
    • The Fishmonger wants a Common Crab and a Fiddler Crab.
    • I delivered a Common Crab and a Fiddler Crab to the Fishmonger.
  • Wait for more orders.
    • The Fishmonger doesn't have any other orders for me yet.
    • The Fishmonger has a new order.
  • 1x Aberrant Fish
    • The Fishmonger wants me to bring him an aberrant fish - a mutated version of a regular fish.
    • I delivered an aberrated fish to the Fishmonger.
    • Note: when you do this step, the Fishmonger will become unavailable until the next day.


  • All orders filled.