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#11 - Osteostracan
#12 - Tullimonstrum
#13 - Paddlefish


The Tullimonstrum is a Fish that lives in The Marrows in The Iron Rig DLC.


When fishing for Tullimonstrum, the game utilizes the spiral minigame.

Capture Tullimonstrum.png


  • One needed in the first part of the Scientist's Strange Specimens

Real-Life Counterpart

  • Tullimonstrum, commonly known as the Tully Monster, is an extinct, enigmatic creature that lived during the Carboniferous period, around 300 million years ago. It is primarily known from fossilized remains found in the Mazon Creek area of Illinois, USA. Tullimonstrum had a soft-bodied, elongated shape with a distinctive long, proboscis-like snout that may have been used to capture prey. It could grow up to 30 cm (1 ft) in length and is believed to have inhabited freshwater environments. The exact classification of Tullimonstrum remains debated, with suggestions that it may be related to vertebrates, mollusks, or even arthropods. Its unique morphology continues to intrigue paleontologists and sheds light on the diversity of life during its time.


The Tullimonstrum was first revealed in a screenshot posted to the Iron Rig Steam page[1]. It's full image was first found in the BSG press kit. [2]