The Marrows

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The Marrows is a region within DREDGE, the starting location for the player. It is a temperate, forested archipelago.

Greater Marrow, the largest town of the region, is home to the Mayor, the first character the player talks to, alongside the Fishmonger who buys the player's fish, the Builder, Lighthouse Keeper, and the Shipwright. The player can upgrade or repair the Boat, sell Fish, and buy Crab Pots here.

In its smaller counterpart, Little Marrow, the only merchant is the Trader, who buys Trinkets dredged up from the ocean. The Dockworker and Grieving Father also live here.

There is also Blackstone Isle, a private estate, where the Collector seems to live alone.

Steel Point, the smallest town, is totally empty at the start, but the Builder can build a house here depending on the player's actions.

The Courier can also be encountered here on their boat. The Old Mayor and Last Fisherman are no longer around by the time of the game, but lived here at one point.

An Obelisk and an Altar can be found here as well.


Fish Number Image Type Time Value per Slot Rod Trawl Pot
Blue Mackerel 1 Blue Mackerel Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $5.00 Yes Yes No
Cod 2 Cod Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $6.00 Yes Yes No
Arrow Squid 3 Arrow Squid Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Night $7.00 Yes Yes No
Grey Eel 4 Grey Eel Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Any $6.00 Yes Yes No
Gulf Flounder 5 Gulf Flounder Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Day $4.50 Yes Yes No
Black Grouper 6 Black Grouper Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Night $8.75 Yes Yes No
Stingray 7 Stingray Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Any $8.57 Yes No No
Sailfish 8 Sailfish Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Day $13.33 Yes Yes No
Bronze Whaler 9 Bronze Whaler Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Day $16.67 Yes Yes No
Blacktip Reef Shark 10 Blacktip Reef Shark Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Night $20.00 Yes Yes No
Common Crab 11 Common Crab Image.png     TypeBadgeNone.png   Any $5.25 No No Yes
Fiddler Crab 12 Fiddler Crab Image.png     TypeBadgeNone.png   Any $7.00 No No Yes


Plot or ending details follow.
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Fish Number Image Type Time Value per Slot Rod Trawl Pot
Grotesque Mackerel 79 Grotesque Mackerel Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $15.00 Yes Yes No
Lumpy Mackerel 80 Lumpy Mackerel Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $17.50 Yes Yes No
Many-Eyed Mackerel 81 Many-Eyed Mackerel Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $20.00 Yes Yes No
All-Seeing Cod 82 All-Seeing Cod Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $16.67 Yes Yes No
Fanged Cod 83 Fanged Cod Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $20.00 Yes Yes No
Three-Headed Cod 84 Three-Headed Cod Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Day $23.33 Yes Yes No
Brood Squid 85 Brood Squid Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Night $16.00 Yes Yes No
Snag Squid 86 Snag Squid Image.png     TypeBadgeCoastal.png   Night $19.00 Yes Yes No
Barbed Eel 87 Barbed Eel Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Day $16.67 Yes Yes No
Host Eel 88 Host Eel Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Day $20.00 Yes Yes No
Cyclopean Flounder 89 Cyclopean Flounder Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Day $15.00 Yes Yes No
Riddled Flounder 90 Riddled Flounder Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Day $17.50 Yes Yes No
Tusked Grouper 91 Tusked Grouper Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Night $21.25 Yes Yes No
Voltaic Grouper 92 Voltaic Grouper Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Night $25.00 Yes Yes No
Shard Ray 93 Shard Ray Image.png     TypeBadgeShallow.png   Any $21.43 Yes No No
Sallow Sailfish 94 Sallow Sailfish Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Day $38.89 Yes Yes No
Hooked Sailfish 95 Hooked Sailfish Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Day $41.67 Yes Yes No
Bloodskin Shark 96 Bloodskin Shark Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Day $36.67 Yes Yes No
Cleft-Mouth Shark 97 Cleft-Mouth Shark Image.png     TypeBadgeOceanic.png   Night $45.83 Yes Yes No
Cerebral Crab 98 Cerebral Crab Image.png     TypeBadgeNone.png   Any $15.00 No No Yes
Malignant Pincer 99 Malignant Pincer Image.png     TypeBadgeNone.png   Any $14.00 No No Yes


The most notable danger in The Marrows is the Night Angler, which appears at night in the form of a ghost ship. If your panic is too high, you may also need to watch out for Waterspouts.


  • With high panic, sometimes you can see a hallucination of a small dark island that is similar in appearance to the ghost ships, adorned with a house and a dock. You cannot interact with it, and it will fade away upon getting too close.
  • Ghostly island