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Trinkets are Items found around the world of DREDGE, usually in shipwrecks or dredgeing locations. Their main funtion is to be sold to the Trader in Little Marrow.

The money you get from trinkets can be increased by two of the books you can read, Art of the Silver Tongue (10% increase) and Haggling and Bartering: A Guide (5% increase). These stack additively for an additional 15%.


Icon Trinket Base Price 15% Increase Slots Size Value per Slot
Junk for the untrained Eye, but there's good Metal here. Someone might pay for this
Old Iron Chain $7.50 $8.63
Old Iron Chain Inventory.png
1 Slot
(1x1) $7.50
It would be dangerous to put this anywhere near your eyes.
Broken Monocle $12.50 $14.38
1 Slot
(1x1) $12.50
Gold always holds its value.
Worn Gold Ring $15.00 $17.25

Worn Gold Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $15.00
Not much use to anyone in this state.
Broken Spectacles $20.00 $23.00

Broken Spectacles Inventory.png

2 Slots
(2x1) $10.00
A gold ring clasping a glowing citrine.
Citrine Ring $25.00 $28.75

Citrine Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $25.00
A tarnished silver bauble. Looks valuable.
Silver Trinket $30.00 $34.50

Silver Trinket Inventory.png

2 Slots
(1x2) $15.00
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a delicate opal.
Opal Earrings $32.50 $37.38
1 Slot
(1x1) $32.50
A gold ring clasping a shining opal.
Opal Ring $35.00 $40.25

Opal Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $35.00
A pair of earings, each of them holding a single pearl.
Pearl Earrings $25.00 $28.75

Pearl Earring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $25.00
A large goblet covered in what appears to be a thin veneer of gold leaf.
Goblet $35.00 $40.25

Goblet Inventory.png

2 Slots
(1x2) $17.50
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a splendid sapphire.
Sapphire Earrings $40.00 $46.00

Sapphire Earrings Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $40.00
A gold ring clasping a deep blue sapphire.
Sapphire Ring $45.00 $51.75
1 Slot
(1x1) $45.00
A surprisingly intact navigatinal tool. Its complex mechanisms have seized up, but this could be valuable to the right dealer.
Sextant $80.00 $92.00

Sextant Inventory.png

4 Slots
(2x2) $20.00
A ship's wheel sigil is emblazoned proudly on this ring. Such a symbol is sure to bring good luck to any captain that holds it.
Signet Ring $90.00 $103.50

Signet Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $90.00
A single Doubloon. Looks like real gold.
Doubloon $15.00 $17.25

Doubloon Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $15.00
A bag of gold doubloons. This ought to fetch a decent price somewhere.
Bag of Doubloons $55.00 $63.25

Bag of Doubloons Inventory.png

2 Slots
(1x2) $27.50
A huge bag overflowing with gold doubloons. This has got to be worth a lot.
Big Bag of Doubloons $150.00 $172.50
4 Slots
(2x2) $37.50
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a precious emerald.
Emerald Earrings $47.50 54.62

Emerald Earrings Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $47.50
A gold ring clasping a rich emerald.
Emerald Ring $55.00 $63.25

Emerald Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $55.00
A large and sturdy looking boot. Waterlogged leather straps are laced throught shiny metal clasps.
Fancy Boot $45.00 $51.75
3 Slots
(2x2) $15.00
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a valuable ruby.
Ruby Earrings $55.00 $63.25

Ruby Earrings Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $55.00
A gold ring clasping a magnificent ruby.
Ruby Ring $65.00 $74.75

Ruby Ring Inventory.png

1 Slot
(1x1) $65.00
A tarnished silver plate. The edges are slightly discoloured, eroded by the salt.
Silver Plate $60.00 $69.00

Silver Plate Inventory.png

4 Slots
(2x2) $15.00


Main Article: Achievements

Cash for Gold

Cash for gold icon.jpg Sell a total of $1500 worth of Trinkets