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Hardware Equipment

Hardware equipment must be installed onto the boat using in-game time, in the appropriate slot. The four categories of hardware equipment are Engines, Rods and Talismans, Trawl Nets, and Lights. The player has limited slots and must strategically place these components in their slots to best equip their boat for their current task. Hardware Equipment can be acquired by purchasing them from the Shipwright or Travelling Merchant (Shipyard), completing Rock Slab puzzles, from completing Pursuits, or from searching shipwrecks.


Main article: Engines

Name Image Where to Acquire Research Parts Required DLC
Peculiar Engine Peculiar Engine.png Obtained at game start N/A Base Game
Weak Valve Engine Weak Valve Engine.png Shipwreck at L5 N/A Base Game
Rusty Outboard Engine Rusty Outboard Engine.png Shipwright N/A Base Game
Improved Outboard Engine Improved Outboard Engine.png Shipwright 1 Base Game
Refined Outboard Engine Refined Outboard Engine.png Shipwright 2 Base Game
Twin Prop Engine Twin Prop Engine.png Shipwright 3 Base Game
Twin Jet Drive Engine Twin Jet Drive Engine.png Shipwright 4 Base Game
Engine Stack Engine Stack.png Shipwright 5 Base Game
Jet Drive Engine Jet Drive Engine.png Shipwright 5 Base Game
Arterial Engine Arterial Engine.png Blackstone Isle Workshop N/A Blackstone Key DLC


Main article: Lights

Name Image Where to Acquire DLC
Cracked Bulb Cracked Bulb.png Shipwright Base Game
Cloudy Lens Cloudy Lens.png Shipwright Base Game
Halogen Spotlight Halogen Spotlight.png Shipwright Base Game
Tungsten Floodlight Tungsten Floodlight.png Shipwright Base Game
Incandescent Array Incandescent Array.png Shipwright Base Game
Flame of The Sky Flame of The Sky.png Acquired after the Stone Tablets Pursuit Base Game

Rods and Talismans

Main article: Rods

Name Image Where to Acquire Research Parts Required DLC
Basic Fishing Pole Basic Fishing Pole.png Obtained at Game Start
Shipwreck at L5
N/A Base Game
Simple Skimmer Simple Skimmer.png Shipwright N/A Base Game
Weighted Line Weighted Line.png Shipwright N/A Base Game
Flexible Fish Pole Flexible Fish Pole.png Shipwright 2 Base Game
Hydraulic Rod Hydraulic Rod.png Shipwright 1 Base Game
Anti-Tangle Line Anti-Tangle Line.png Shipwright 2 Base Game
Heat Resistant Line Heat Resistant Line.png Shipwright 2 Base Game
Versatile Rod Versatile Rod.png Shipwright 4 Base Game
Harvesting Platform Harvesting Platform.png Shipwright 5 Base Game
Sampling Device Sampling Device.png Acquired during the Research Assistant Pursuit N/A Base Game
Bottomless Lines Bottomless Lines.png Shipwright 1 Base Game
Fathomless Winch Fathomless Winch.png Shipwright 3 Base Game
Sinew Spindle Sinew Spindle.png Rock Slab #1 N/A Base Game
Viscera Crane Viscera Crane.png Rock Slab #3 N/A Base Game
Tendon Rod Tendon Rod.png Rock Slab #4 N/A Base Game
Encrusted Talisman Encrusted Talisman.png Acquired during the Flames of The Deep Pursuit N/A Base Game
Sign of Ruin Sign of Ruin.png Blackstone Isle Workshop N/A Blackstone Key DLC
Barbed Ice Rod Barbed Ice Rod.png Travelling Merchant N/A Pale Reach DLC
Glacial Lance Glacial Lance.png Travelling Merchant N/A Pale Reach DLC

Trawling Nets

Main article: Nets

Name Image Where to Acquire Research Parts Required DLC
Basic Trawl Net Basic Trawl Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

N/A Base Game
Improved Trawl Net Improved Trawl Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

1 Base Game
Silt Filtering Trawl Net Silt Filtering Trawl Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

2 Base Game
Tempered Mesh Net Tempered Mesh Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

2 Base Game
Large Trawl Net Large Trawl Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

3 Base Game
Heavy Duty Trawl Net Heavy Duty Trawl Net.png Shipwright

Travelling Merchant

4 Base Game
Brittle Trawl Net Brittle Trawl Net.png Travelling Merchant N/A Pale Reach DLC
Radiant Trawl Net Radiant Trawl Net.png Acquired by placeing 4 Frozen Hearts in the Pale reach Rock Slab N/A Pale Reach DLC

Cargo Equipment

Cargo Equipment are items that are carried in the cargo hold of the ship and have a variety of effects. They can be consumable or retrievable items. Cargo equipment can be acquired by purchasing them from the Shipwright or Travelling Merchant, completing Rock Slab puzzles, from completing quests.

Crab Pots

Main Article: Crab Pots

Name Image Where to Acquire Research Parts DLC
Basic Crab Pot Basic Crab Pot.png Fishmonger N/A Base Game
Efficient Crab Pot Efficient Crab Pot.png Fishmonger 1 Base Game
Hardy Crab Pot Hardy Crab Pot.png Fishmonger 1 Base Game
Large Crab Pot Large Crab Pot.png Fishmonger 1 Base Game
Complex Crab Pot Complex Crab Pot.png Fishmonger 2 Base Game
Massive Crab Pot Massive-crab-pot.png Fishmonger 2 Base Game
Reinforced Crab Pot Reinforced-crab-pot.png Fishmonger 3 Base Game
Mouth of the Deep Maw of the Deep.png Crab Altar
(Gale Cliffs)
N/A Base Game


Name Image Where to Acquire DLC
Mixed Bait Mixed Bait.png After completing the The Bitter End pursuit.
Travelling Merchant
Base Game
Packed Explosives Explosive.png After completing the Hermitage pursuit.
Retired Whaler
Travelling Merchant
Base Game
Ice Blocks Small Ice Block inv.PNG
Large Ice Block inv.PNG
After completing the Ice Shaper pursuit.
Travelling Merchant
Pale Reach DLC


Name Image Where to Acquire DLC
Aurous Anchor 81×163px Reward for completeing
Under The Ice
Pale Reach DLC

Upgrade Materials

Main article: Materials

Upgrade materials are gatherable or rewarded items that serve the purpose of upgrading the ship and unlocking new hardware and cargo equipment. Upgrade materials can be acquired by dredging the depths and as rewards from several pursuits.

Name Image Where to Acquire
Dredge spots


Metal Scraps
Dredge spots


Bolt of Cloth
Dredge spots


Refined Metal
Travelling Merchant

Dredge spots


Main article: Trinkets

Trinkets are Items found around the world of DREDGE, usually in shipwrecks or dredgeing locations. Their main funtion is to be sold to the Trader in Little Marrow.

Name Image
Old Iron Chain
Junk for the untrained Eye, but there's good Metal here. Someone might pay for this
Broken Monocle
It would be dangerous to put this anywhere near your eyes.
Worn Gold Ring
Gold always holds its value.
Broken Spectacles
Not much use to anyone in this state.
Citrine Ring
A gold ring clasping a glowing citrine.
Silver Trinket
A tarnished silver bauble. Looks valuable.
Opal Earrings
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a delicate opal.
Opal Ring
A gold ring clasping a shining opal.
Pearl Earrings
A pair of earings, each of them holding a single pearl.
A large goblet covered in what appears to be a thin veneer of gold leaf.
Sapphire Earrings
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a splendid sapphire.
Sapphire Ring
A gold ring clasping a deep blue sapphire.
A surprisingly intact navigatinal tool. Its complex mechanisms have seized up, but this could be valuable to the right dealer.
Signet Ring
A ship's wheel sigil is emblazoned proudly on this ring. Such a symbol is sure to bring good luck to any captain that holds it.
A single Doubloon. Looks like real gold.
Bag of Doubloons
A bag of gold doubloons. This ought to fetch a decent price somewhere.
Big Bag of Doubloons
A huge bag overflowing with gold doubloons. This has got to be worth a lot.
Emerald Earrings
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a precious emerald.
Emerald Ring
A gold ring clasping a rich emerald.
Fancy Boot
A large and sturdy looking boot. Waterlogged leather straps are laced throught shiny metal clasps.
Ruby Earrings
A pair of hooped earrings, each bearing a valuable ruby.
Ruby Ring
A gold ring clasping a magnificent ruby.
Silver Plate
A tarnished silver plate. The edges are slightly discoloured, eroded by the salt.

Pursuit Items

Main Pursuit


Main Article: Relic

Name Image Where to Acquire
Handkerchief Handkerchief.png Deliver an Aberration to the Fishmonger
Ornate Key Key Relic.png Dredge spot behind Greater Marrow
Musicbox Music Box Relic.png Dredge spot behind the bombable wall next to the Ruins
Ring Ring Relic.png Dredge spot at Center of Stellar Basin
Necklace Necklace Relic.png Recived from the Airman after completing The Bitter End
Pocket Watch Watch Relic.png Recived affter completeing the Flames of The Deep Pursuit

Gale Cliffs

Name Image Where to Acquire
Family Crest FamilyCrest.png Dredge Spot at N3
Hermit Passenger Hermit.png Hermit

Stellar Basin

Name Image Where to Acquire
Prototype Parts Prototype Parts.png Research Outpost
Repulsion Machine Repulsion Machine.png Researcher

Twisted Strand

Name Image Where to Acquire
Mortar Frame Mortar Barrel.png Dredge Spot at G13
Mortar Barrel Mortar Frame.png Dredge Spot at E14
Special Bait SpecialBait.png Airman

Devil’s Spine

Name Image Where to Acquire
Fathomless Flame Fathomless Flame.png Devil's Spine Rock Slabs

Pale Reach Main Pursuit

Name Image Where to Acquire
Ice Axe Ice Axe inv.PNG Found in dredging locations behind icebergs.
Icebreaker Plow Half Icebreaker Plow Half 1.pngIcebreaker Plow Half 2.png Found in dredging locations at -4I and -4F.
Icebreaker Bracing Icebreaker Bracing.png Found at the dredging location in -6J.
Frozen Heart Frozen Heart.PNG Receved from breaking open the Ice Shards with an Ice Axe.

Side Pursuits

Unmarked Pursuits (WIP title)

Related Pages

You may be looking for Books, which give passive bonuses when read, or Message Bottles, which go in your journal and contain lore flavor text. Neither of these take up space in the cargo, and so are not included on this page.