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The Airman (located in the top right of E13) is the last surviving soldier of his air fleet found in Twisted Strand. Signs made out of plane parts with arrows are scattered throughout the swamp directing the player to the Airman’s camp, which contains the Airman and a storage.

The Airman will give the player Research Parts in return for the Dog Tags of his dead squadron mates. 2 can be found inside wrecked planes and 2 in Dredge spots with a gold glow near planes. The Airman will hang the tags up on a tree to honour his fallen brethren.

After his pursuit is completed, the Airman will make Mixed Bait out of fish provided. Fish to bait is converted at a 1:1 ratio, no matter the size(Ex: an Anchovy and a Sunfish will both provide 1 bait). The Travelling Merchant will also sell 2 Mixed Bait a day following this. Make footnote: The Airman can only make 12 bait at once time, however this shouldn’t be an issue unless you use a lot of single-tile fish.


  • The Airman offers the "The Bitter End" pursuit, where he asks you, the Fisherman, to help defeat the Mind Suckers which killed his crewmates. The Fisherman is asked to first collect the mortar barrel and frame, then to catch the necessary fish for his 3 special baits: Pungent Bait, Fetid Bait, and Reeking Bait. The recipes are: 1 Gar and 2 Grey Mullets, 1 Catfish and a Grey Mullet, and 2 Longfin Eels. Next, the Fisherman baits a trap, in which a Mind Sucker will get caught and subsequently blown to bits by the now-assembled Mortar operated by the Airman. After this is repeated twice more and proof of the kill is collected from each and provided to the Airman, the quest is finished. The Airman cuts open one of the corpses and finds the Necklace and gives it to the Fisherman to sell for his reward.


  • The Airman will recount that few of his crew survived the crash, but were picked off one by one by the Mind Suckers.
  • However the Obelisk behind his camp implies that he was driven insane by the Mind Suckers and killed his crewmates, showing a vision of him impaling one with a spear, similar to the one you see him carving.
  • After completing his pursuit, the Airman will decide to stay in Twisted Strand, as his camp has become home to him and to honor his fallen comrades.