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The Factory is a destination that was added in The Iron Rig DLC. It is operated by the Engineer. The Factory allows the player to craft blueprints for various improved equipment, such as rods, nets, crab pots, and bait. Each upgraded tier of the Factory unlocks more blueprints. Each tier becomes available to unlock by completing a phase of the Strange Specimens pursuit.

Tier 1

The first tier of the Factory is available immediately after powering the Generator for the Foreman. The upgrade to Tier 1 costs one Ironhaven Crate. Tier 1 of Factory unlocks the blueprints for the advanced rods.

Because of your help getting things running here, I'm permitted to improve your equipment with our tech.

Factory Tier 1.jpg

Equipment Blueprint Ingredients
Infused Winch Infused Winch Blueprint.jpg Ironhaven Crate x1
Dark Canister x1
Hydraulic Rod x1
Infused Rod Infused Rod Blueprint.jpg Ironhaven Crate x1
Flexible Fish Pole x1
Infused Hoist Infused Hoist Blueprint.jpg Ironhaven Crate x1
Dark Canister x1
Fathomless Winch x1
Infused Coiling Rod Infused Coiling Rod Blueprint.jpg Ironhaven Crate x1
Dark Canister x1
Anti-Tangle Line x1
Infused Fireproof Rod Infused Fireproof Rod Blueprint.jpg Ironhaven Crate x1
Dark Canister x1
Heat Resistant Line x1

Tier 2

The second tier of the Factory is available after completing the first phase of the Strange Specimens pursuit by delivering four fish from The Marrows. The upgrade to Tier 2 costs one Ironhaven Crate. Tier 2 of Factory unlocks the blueprints for the Siphon Trawler, Material Harvester, and Flotsam Trap.

These are some designs I've been tinkering with for passive harvesting methods.

Equipment Blueprint Ingredients
Siphon Trawler Ironhaven Crate x1
Basic Trawl Net x1
Material Harvester Ironhaven Crate x1
Basic Trawl Net x1
Flotsam Trap Ironhaven Crate x1
Basic Crab Pot x1

Tier 3

The third tier of the Factory is available after completing the second phase of the Strange Specimens pursuit by delivering four fish from Gale Cliffs. The upgrade to Tier 3 costs two Ironhaven Crate. Tier 3 of Factory unlocks the blueprints for the Soothing Tea, Hull Repair Kit, and Harvester's Repair Pack.

We've got various off-cuts and scraps here, I can usually turn them into something.

Equipment Blueprint Ingredients
Hull Repair Kit Ironhaven Crate x1
Harvester's Repair Pack x2 Ironhaven Crate x1
Soothing Tea x2 Ironhaven Crate x1

Tier 4

The fourth tier of the Factory is available after completing the third phase of the Strange Specimens pursuit by delivering four fish from Gale Cliffs. The upgrade to Tier 4 costs two Ironhaven Crate. Tier 4 of Factory unlocks the blueprints for the Aberrated Bait, Insta-Crab Bait, and Exotic Bait.

I reckon we can repurpose some of that slag from the Science Lab. Toss it into the water, see what turns up to investigate.

Equipment Blueprint Ingredients
Aberrated Bait Mixed Bait x1 Dark Splash x2 Rot x2
Insta-Crab Bait Mixed Bait x1 Dark Splash x1 Rot x1
Exotic Bait Mixed Bait x1 Dark Canister x1