Pursuit Items

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Main Pursuit


Main Article: Relic
Relics are Items required for the main quest The Collector, they must all be delivered to the Collector to finish the game.

Name Image Where to Acquire
Handkerchief Handkerchief.png Deliver an Aberration to the Fishmonger
Ornate Key Key Relic.png Dredge spot behind Greater Marrow
Musicbox Music Box Relic.png Dredge spot behind the bombable wall next to the Ruins
Ring Ring Relic.png Dredge spot at Center of Stellar Basin
Necklace Necklace Relic.png Recived from the Airman after completing The Bitter End
Pocket Watch Watch Relic.png Recived affter completeing the Flames of The Deep Pursuit

Gale Cliffs

Name Image Where to Acquire Pursuit
Family Crest FamilyCrest.png Dredge Spot at N3 Hermitage
Hermit Passenger Hermit.png Hermit Hermitage

Stellar Basin

Name Image Where to Acquire Pursuit
Prototype Parts Prototype Parts.png Research Outpost Research Assistant
Repulsion Machine Repulsion Machine.png Researcher Research Assistant

Twisted Strand

Name Image Where to Acquire Pursuit
Mortar Frame Mortar Barrel.png Dredge Spot at G13 The Bitter End
Mortar Barrel Mortar Frame.png Dredge Spot at E14 The Bitter End
Special Bait SpecialBait.png Airman The Bitter End

Devil’s Spine

Name Image Where to Acquire Pursuit
Fathomless Flame Fathomless Flame.png Devil's Spine Rock Slabs Flames of The Deep

Pale Reach Main Pursuit

Name Image Where to Acquire Pursuit
Ice Axe Ice Axe inv.PNG Found in dredging locations behind icebergs. Under The Ice
Icebreaker Plow Half Icebreaker Plow Half 1.pngIcebreaker Plow Half 2.png Found in dredging locations at -4I and -4F. Icebreaker
Icebreaker Bracing Icebreaker Bracing.png Found at the dredging location in -6J. Icebreaker
Frozen Heart Frozen Heart.PNG Receved from breaking open the Ice Shards with an Ice Axe. Under The Ice

Side Pursuits

Name Image Where to Acquire
Bronze Belt Buckle BeltBuckle.png Dredged from a shipwreck at L8, behind Little Marrow. Lost at Sea
Small Package Small Package.png Given to the player by the Mayor. Package Delivery
Large Package Large Package.png Given to the player by the Courier Craven Courier
Stone Tablet Stone Tablets.png Found in Dredge spots throughout Devil's Spine Stone Tablets
Fused Tablet Fused Tablet.png Given to the player by the Trader after handing in all three Stone Tablets. Stone Tablets
Ice Shaper Ice Shaper.png Dredged up in the Pale Reach Ice Shaper
Builder Builder-transparent.png She will board the player's Boat after her house is built. A Place to Rest
Castaway Passenger Castaway.png He will board the player's Boat after being found near Steel Point Castaway
Dog Dog-no-bg.png Found in a hut in Stellar Basin Lost Dog

Unmarked Pursuits

These Items function like Pursuit Items despite having no associated Pursuit.

Name Image Where to Acquire
Dog Tags Dog-tags.png Various Dredging spots in Twisted Strand
Photography Equipment Photography Equipment.png On an island at I5.