Abyssal Gar

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#28 - Sollasina
#29 - Abyssal Gar
#30 - Lancetfish


The Abyssal Gar is a Fish that lives in Gale Cliffs in The Iron Rig DLC.


When fishing for Abyssal Gar, the game utilizes the pendulum minigame.

Capture Abyssal Gar.png

Real-Life Counterpart

  • The Gar (Lepisosteidae spp.) is a primitive, freshwater fish found in rivers and lakes of North and Central America. It has a long, cylindrical body covered in hard, diamond-shaped scales and a long, narrow snout filled with sharp teeth. Gars can grow up to 3 m (10 ft) in length, making them one of the largest freshwater fish in the region. They are ambush predators, feeding on fish, crustaceans, and small mammals. Gars have a slow growth rate and can live for many years. They are not endangered, though habitat destruction and pollution have impacted some populations.


  • The Abyssal Gar is a reference to the Abyssal Rainbow Gar, a fabricated fish from a famously false publication by William Beebe[1]. This fish is now believed to have been a hoax, or at least a misidentification. None of Beebe's discovered fish have ever been reidentified. Another of Beebe's discoveries was the Giant Dragonfish.