Eagle Shark

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#49 - Kerygmachela
#50 - Eagle Shark
#51 - Crown of Thorns


The Eagle Shark is a Fish that lives in Stellar Basin in The Iron Rig DLC.


When fishing for Eagle Shark, the game utilizes the spiral minigame.

Capture Eagle Shark.png


  • One needed in the third part of the Scientist's Strange Specimens

Real-Life Counterpart

  • The Eagle Shark (Squalus laticeps) is a lesser-known species of shark found in the deep waters of the Western Atlantic Ocean. Recognized for its distinctive flattened head and elongated body, the Eagle Shark typically grows to lengths of about 1.2 m (4 ft) and is characterized by its sharp, pointed teeth adapted for catching prey. This species primarily inhabits continental shelves and slopes, where it feeds on small fish, crustaceans, and cephalopods. Although the Eagle Shark is not considered a threat to humans, its deep-sea habitat makes it less frequently encountered. While currently assessed as data deficient, concerns over deep-sea fishing practices and habitat degradation highlight the importance of ongoing research to understand its ecological role and ensure its conservation in the changing marine environment.