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#73 - Frilled Shark
#74 - Vetulicolia
#75 - Sawfish


The Vetulicolia is a Fish that lives in Twisted Strand in The Iron Rig DLC.


When fishing for Vetulicolia, the game utilizes the spiral minigame.

Capture Vetulicolia.png

Real-Life Counterpart

  • Vetulicolia is an extinct genus of marine animals that lived during the Cambrian period, approximately 520 million years ago. This unique organism is characterized by its distinctive, elongated body with a series of articulated segments, resembling a worm-like creature. Fossils of Vetulicolia have been primarily found in China, providing valuable insights into the early evolution of complex life forms. It is believed to have been a filter feeder, using its body structure to capture small particles from the water, similar to modern-day tunicates. The anatomy of Vetulicolia suggests that it may have had close evolutionary ties to both vertebrates and other primitive chordates, highlighting its importance in understanding the transition from simple to more complex body plans in early marine ecosystems. The discovery and study of Vetulicolia contribute to the broader knowledge of Cambrian biodiversity and the evolutionary pathways that led to the rise of more advanced organisms.


  • One needed in the last part of the Scientist's Strange Specimens